You should have filters/rules in place to ensure important emails - like vendor invoices or court filings - are moved to a high priority inbox. Even more important, your infrastructure should be set up to automatically click on expirable links and/or download expirable attachments.

Did you miss a court email?
Yes; you should always use a firewall. Firewalls that come with most updated hardware (routers by Asus, Linksys, Eero, etc) are sufficient for most use cases. A VPN is not needed. However, using one can protect you against your ISP's ability to monitor, monitize, and otherwise harvest your internet use. The downside to a VPN is substantially higher latency and reduced speeds.

Firewall & VPN: yes or no?
Is your company cloud based, on-prem, or a hybrid? Cloud: enforce MFA for all remote users, with at least one condition being a whitelisted IP address of employees home. On-prem: require a VPN with 2FA for each remote employee to access company resources. Hybrid: at least one of the above.

Remote employee security?
At the moment, AI is pretty good at helping you do the following things: (1) understand something or someone, (2) help someone else understand something or be persuaded to see things your way, (3) generate written or visual content - including content that does (1) and (2), above. It won't do your job or secure new clients for you. But it can level the playing field between a big business competitor and a small business or sole proprietor. Not sure where to start? We are.

How do I AI?
Do you have tons of folders and really long file names? Maybe "Clients -> Client A -> Matter A -> Pleadings -> Defendant 1 -> Prior to Operative Complaint"? Which may contain the file "Case No., Case Style, Name of Filing, Date of Filing, Service List"? And the accompanying email, which also has the same file name? Then you are well on your way to breaking the indexer. You need better naming conventions and an (automated) overhaul of your folder structure.

Slow search in cloud drive?
That's why you need to hire us; the earlier the better.

You didn't know?